Transitioning to and throughout college is a process. At Iowa, we have broken this process into five stages. Students gain knowledge and skills during each of these stages to help them reach their goals and get the most out of their experiences at the University of Iowa.

Through videos, articles, surveys, and scenario-based interactions, students gain foundational skills that they can use beyond the limits of the course. These skills can be transferred to academic experiences in the classroom, as well as in personal interactions outside of the classroom. Examples of these skills include: how to use UI-specific online tools, steps to be an active bystander when witnessing problematic situations, when and how to get support for personal and academic needs, ways to get involved on campus, how to use UI’s public transportation and wellness services, and how to create a budget.

Success at Iowa is fully online. Students complete the initial stages before the semester begins and the later stages after the semester is already underway. The final stage, Stage 5, is due during the seventh week of the semester.