Campus Transportation

Campus Transportation

Campus Transportation - Getting around Campus

In this video, students learn about ways to move around campus including walking, biking, and riding a motorcycle. They also learn tips for planning trips, student parking options, and about the UI RideShare Network.

Campus Transportation

Campus Transportation - Campus and Community Bus Systems

Students are introduced to the University's CAMBUS system. They also find out about some of the other bus services available at the University and about the Transit app--a mobile app that helps users plan trips around the area.

Student Involvement

Student Involvement

Student Involvement E-Book

Students discover how to get connected with an organization or activity that meets their specific interests and goals. They also learn how becoming involved can help them build new skills and develop lifelong connections.

Academic Success

Academic Behaviors

Academic Behaviors

Students learn the three basic academic behaviors that are linked to success for Hawkeyes: Go to class, do the readings before class, and take good notes.

Academic Resources

Academic Resources

Using the Academic Behaviors video as a foundation, students consider how they can use their course syllabi, Tutor Iowa, and their network of support to aid in their academic success at Iowa.

Information Technology Services (ITS)

ITS Services

ITS - Services

Students are introduced to Information Technology Services (ITS) and the services that they provide.

ITS Online Security

ITS - Online Security

This video provides students with tips on how to protect themselves while online and reviews the best ways to keep their identity and information safe.

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy Services

Financial Literacy Services

In this video, students get a brief overview of UI Financial Literacy Services and the money management assistance that they offer.


CashCourse - Part 1

In Part 1 of CashCourse, students learn how to create and maintain a budget. They also explore the difference between a "want" and a "need" and learn tips for saving money while in college.